Coffee Table Kits

*WARNING: Not intended for small children. Choking hazard, Non-toxic,Not for consumption.*


*PRODUCTS MAY VARY DUE TO AVAILABILITY- the theme will remain the same, but each kit may have slightly different accessories *


*Products such as rice,beans ,pasta, and dough may come wrapped in plastic covering to preserve them.


*Sometimes glass jars are used in these kits . If you wish to have only plastic, please specify in the notes section at checkout.


*Not Gluten Free, Contains Wheat

Regular price $29.99
Regular price $39.99
Regular price $38.99
Regular price $38.99
Regular price $34.99
Regular price $34.99
Regular price $34.99
Regular price $28.99
Regular price $34.99
Regular price $44.99
Regular price $49.99